Kit Includes:
Why Silver For Immune Support?
A Natural Wonder
Did you know that silver has been used for more than 2,400 years to help promote health? It's part of the natural world around us, and even part of our diet as a trace mineral in your food.
Daily+ Immune Support
Health sovereignty is all about taking control of your health. Choosing the right supplements for immune support should be a key part of your plan. Bio-Active Silver Hydrosol, with greater than 98% positively charged silver ions and silver nanoclusters, sets the standard for efficacy as well as safety and purity. Your health is in your hands!
Sinus Relief
When you breathe better, you feel better. Sovereign Silver Natural Nasal Spray provides quick sinus relief that naturally:
Our tiny bio-active particles are so powerful, a little goes a long way. And with a lower ppm (parts-per-million) concentration, it's safe for the whole family. Even if taken 7x/day for 70 years, Sovereign Silver still falls below the EPA's daily oral silver reference dose.†
Just 2 ingredients: 99.999% pure silver and pharmaceutical-grade water. And only packaged in amber glass bottles to keep it as pure and powerful as the day it was created.
Our proprietary process creates the smallest particles ever seen (as small as 0.8 nanometers), allowing the body to easily absorb and eliminate. Tiny particles result in a formula that is bio-active, meaning they're packed with positive energy and ready to go to work.
"Our technology makes the smallest particles ever seen with almost perfect dispersion... and an absolutely safe concentration that outperforms much higher ppm products."
-Stephen Quinto, Founder
These travel friendly bottles provide immune support and nasal relief when you need it most. As a jet setter or a go-getter, you're covered.
Launched in 1999, Sovereign Silver Bio-Active Silver Hydrosol is the ultimate refinement of colloidal silver and has proudly been the #1 selling colloidal silver in the United States since 2005.
Очищенная вода фармацевтической степени чистоты.
Хранить в недоступном для детей месте.
Натуральный спрей для носа: предназначено для использования только одним человеком. В целях безопасности флакон герметично упакован. Не используйте его, если защитная пленка отсутствует или имеет заметные повреждения.
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